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A day in the life of a PR student

Tuesday 5th February 2018

8am – The day begins. I eat breakfast, reply to some emails and go to the gym.

10:30am – Dissertation. I arrive at the library. The next 3 hours are spent reading and writing my literature review about non-profit public engagement and social media. I delete some words and rewrite some words. It reads better.

2pm – Cygnet PR Board meeting. The operations directors meet to produce a Cygnet PR promotional leaflet. We decide the content and write the copy. A prototype is made and we begin designing.

The Cygnet Board Team
Creating a leaflet prototype.

4pm – Social Media. I send some emails and schedule Valentine’s Day themed posts on the Oxfam Lincoln Bookshop social media.

The Oxfam 'Give a Shift' recruitment campaign: Who needs Tinder to find a valentines when you can volunteer?

5:30pm - Oxfamnesty Committee meeting. As president of the Oxfam Society, I meet with Amnesty's committee to plan lobbying action for the Families Together campaign.

7pm – Oxfamnesty Arts and Crafts - The two societies meet to produce campaign material such as banners and photo props. We will use these for photos to be sent to our local MP on social media to encourage her to attend Parliament for the family reunification Bill. We arrange to meet again next week to write letters to our MP.

Oxfamnesty paint family letters for the Families Together campaign
We try to mix blue and yellow to make an Oxfam green

9pm – Home time. I carry my freshly painted Amnesty and Oxfam banner home very tightly as it is very windy and pray the heavens do not open. I eat dinner and pick up a book to switch my brain off however I end up scrolling through social media and watch a cycle of guinea pig videos. Cute.

By Lauren Wood, Chair of Cygnet PR 2017/18

Twitter: @LaurenPoppyWood


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