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Andy Green MPRCA visits Lincoln!

Last Thursday we at Cygnet PR were privileged to welcome Andy Green MPRCA to the University of Lincoln. Andy delivered a set of fascinating guest lectures, both to students and members of local industry.

Andy has written 7 books on brand communications, and is a leading international expert in brand story and creativity, so we were very lucky to welcome him to our University!

During the afternoon, Andy spoke to our Public Relations students about creativity in PR. He assured everyone that they would be masters of creativity by the time the hour was over! Paper planes were flying, as the students came up with ideas to recruit more students onto the PR programme. Ideas ranged from “talking to local schools about the importance of PR” and “promoting Cygnet PR more widely” to “building a footbridge over the railway crossing!”

Andy had us thinking about what can be done to improve our creativity whilst working on our projects, and all of the students came away brimming with ideas to bring to our campaigns!

Paper planes poised to fly during Andy Green's workshop on creativity! (Photo courtesy of @DouglasBrownPR)

Later in the evening, Andy stayed to talk about “New School PR” to over 50+ students and industry experts. Andy posed the question of whether PR is a dying industry or not, and due to the number of local industry experts in the room an interesting discussion followed afterwards!

Can we all learn from Andy Green's "new" approach to PR?

We really appreciated having Andy to come and talk to us, and as he described Lincoln as “the most likeable place I’ve come across”, we’re sure he will be back before too long!

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