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What is the PR Society? How do I join?

The Public Relations society is an academic society at the University of Lincoln that works closely with Cygnet PR. The aim of the society is to enhance the PR knowledge of those doing Public Relations as a degree, and those with an interest in the topic, and to build a PR community at the University of Lincoln so we can support each other and network during, and after, our time at the University.

Created in 2015, the society may be relatively new, but has managed to get a range of impressive guest speakers including; CIPR President Jason Mackenzie, PRCA engagement officer Mary Davoudi and members of the Midlands branch of the Government Communications Services. We also invite our alumni back to talk to our members and give them advice about how to get a job and life after University.

In association with Cygnet PR, the society has held interactive workshops for our members to help enhance their skills and for their Cygnet projects, and for their careers in Public Relations. These workshops go over skills such as filming and multi-media, interview skills and CV writing, anything you feel you need to get the most out of your University experience.

I joined the PR Society in my first year here, and because of the society I was able to get a better understanding of the industry with their workshops and talks. I also made friends with people in other years as well as my own, having them there to give advice on things they have gone though and life outside of University as well has been one of the most valuable things I gained from the society.

The PR Society is open to anyone, and I encourage you to get involved, you can do this by visiting, follow us on Twitter @UoLPR and Facebook on UolPR, or even come see us at our office Christmas Party in association with Cygnet on the 6th December!

Written by Heather King

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