young Lincolnshire/LCVYS
What did your clients need?
Cygnet PR worked with LCVYS from the beginning of 2015 to help launch their ‘Reload’ event, for young people and youth groups within Lincolnshire. Due to the great success of last year’s event, the LCVYS asked for Cygnet’s help again to launch ‘Reload 2’.
What did you do to meet those needs?
The project group contacted various businesses to ask for donations for gift bags for the event. The team have come up with ideas for the theme, a banner and wristbands for the event and made contact with various media sources to gain media coverage for the event.
The ‘Reload 2’ event took place on Wednesday 6th of April, 2016.
Cygnet were involved again in 2017 for the third Reload event. Team
members sent out press releases to local media outlets and shot a short
promotion video which can be seen on the right of this page.

Project Name:
Young Lincolnshire/LCVYS
Project Leads:
Callie Sowerby and Luc Thahn Tam.
Project Members:
Ben Lewis, Deborah Owusu, Megan Winzer, Jess Seddon, Terrence Lam.